Here are African Paintings Gone but Not Forgotten
Mother and Child XIII
Painting of nursing mother and her baby.
Teach Your Child
An abstract oil painting about education called Teach Your Child.
The Blues Singers IV
A huge all-blue painting of African singers and musicians.
All Heads Together II
All Heads Together is an original surreal painting of faces.
Mask is an abstract African painting done in blues and violet.
The Fortune Teller
Surreal oils on canvas painting of an African fortune teller.
To the Market IV
Central African market scene – painted here in an abstract style.
The Broken Bridge II
This surrealist painting is of an apocalyptic scene that includes a destroyed bridge.
The Fulani, The Cow, The Milk
Surreal painting of an African Fulani tribeswoman in especially vivid colors.
The Family Album II
This enormous oil painting has a sub-title “The Happy Family.”
Music is Love II
Acrylic painting of musicians in Africa.
Faces IX
An abstract figurative oil painting from Cameroon.
Faces XVI
Faces is an original oil painting on canvas from Cameroon.
Sanza Player II
Naïve art painting of an African musician playing the sanza.
All Heads Together V
This very African oil painting in abstract figurative style is of Cameroonians.
The Broken Bridge III
This surrealist painting is of an apocalyptic scene that includes a destroyed bridge.
The Storyteller II
Here is an African musician telling a story in music, playing both African drum and a traditional musical instrument, the kora.
My Best Friend IV
Colorful surreal painting of two friends in Africa.
The Drummer and the Guitarist
The Drummer and the Guitarist is painted with acrylics and depicts a pair of African musicians.
Flutist and Singer
A singer and flute player are depicted in this original oil painting from Central Africa.
The Town Crier
The Town Crier is an oil painting of a musician in Africa.
Sun Shine
An abstract oil painting by Angu Walters of Cameroon.
Knowledge is Power III
The painting is talking about life, in life you have to learn to become somebody in life, every minute every day I must learn something
U and Me
Oil on canvas abstract painting of an African couple.
Mother and Child XV
An African mother is seen nursing her newborn baby in this painting from Central Africa.
The Cyclist IV
Original painting of African athlete in Abstract Figurative style.
You and Me
This surreal painting features a heart painted in reds and blues to depict romance.
Faces XII
Angu Walters made this painting to order for a buyer in Montréal.
Three Man Trio Band
Abstract painting of a small group of African musicians.
Opening the Festival IV
Painting from Central Africa celebrates the opening of a local music festival.
Knowledge is Power IV
This surreal original acrylic painting about the importance of education is from Central Africa.
The Happy Family I
Here is a surreal violet and purple painting by Angu Walters.
To The Market II
Painting of African village women walking to market in a tropical setting.
My Best Friend II
Violent painting of friends. Oils on Canvas, and palette knife.
The Village Market
A scene of a village in Central Africa, as painted by Cameroon artist Angu Walters.
Mother and Child IV
Oil painting of a mother with her infant by Angu Walters.
All Heads Together IV
All Heads Together surreal painting
The Deep Sea II
The Deep Sea II is a very blue oil painting of Mermaids.
Mother and Child XVI
Painting of a nursing mother.
The Flutist IV
This original oil painting is of a musician playing the flute in Africa.
Mother and Child VIII
Blue violet painting of mother and newborn infant.
Play the Blues
Central African painting done in oils on canvas of musicians in Cameroon.
The Family Album IV
Surreal painting of a family.
The Happy Family VII
The Happy Family is a small original oil painting from Cameroon.
Mother and Child XIX
Acrylic painting of a mother and child in Africa.
African Village II
This is an original acrylic painting of a village in Central Africa.
The Kora Player VI
The Kora Player is a painting in acrylics of an African musician.
African Landscape II
This painting is of a watery African landscape.
The Happy Family XVIII
A favorite theme of Angu Walters, a painting in celebration of the family.
The Last Cyclist II
An original acrylic painting from Cameroon titled The Cyclist.
The Happy Villagers V
Oil painting of two African villagers chatting over tea (or maybe coffee).
Water is Life
This African painting, a tribute to water, is both magnificent and enormous.
All We Little Children
A joyful painting of children at play.
The Happy Villagers II
Painting of two African villagers in conversation over tea in a tropical setting.
Three Man Band II
The Three Man Band II is an oil painting of musicians in Africa.
Back from the Harvest
This painting is a scene of African villagers returning home with their harvest at nightfall.
The Fruit of Life
Nude women represent Life in this oil painting.
The Broken Bridge
This painting depicts a surreal scene of a collapsed bridge in soft blues and yellow.
The Village Women
Oil on Canvas painting of women in an African Village.
Opening the Festival II
Opening the Festival is an oil painting on canvas depicting a group of African musicians.
The Dancer I
African dancer painted in oil, with bright reds and yellows.
Abstract figurative style painting of African drummers by Angu Walters.
Mother and Child XVIII
Acrylic painting of a mother and her newborn baby.
Bush Market II
Oil painting of a festive African village on market day, Saturday, with many people busy or having a good time.
Mother and Child VI
Painting of Mother and Child in Africa by Angu Walters.
The Talking Drum
The Talking Drum is an original oil painting of an African drummer.
The Kora Player VIII
Surreal blue painting by Angu Walters. The kora is a traditional musical instrument used in Central and West Africa.
My Best Friend VI
Angu Walters has given this title to a number of paintings. Each is similar in theme but very different colors are used each time.
My Best Friend V
Best friends chat over palm wine served in carved animal horns in tropical Africa.
Faces IV
Faces is an abstract figurative painting of people in Africa.
Juju Dance Group IV
Nsognwa Dance performance before appreciative villagers in Central Africa.
Water is Life V
Here is a painting of three West African women returning to their village carrying containers of water on their heads.
The Sunset
The Sunset is a surreal post-Apocalyptic acrylic on canvas painting.
Mother and Child XI
Artist Angu Walters most often painted scene – always differently colored.
Women in Africa II
Painting of African women with baskets of fruit on their heads.
Prayer VI
An acrylic painting of Africans at prayer by Angu Walters of Cameroon.
Friends Forever
Friends Forever is an abstract painting of African friends in conversation.
African Juju Society III
Wildly colorful surreal painting of African voodoo that includes a rooster. Oils on Canvas.
The Couple
Painting of a happily married couple by Angu Walters, whose paintings often celebrate matrimony.
My Best Friend III
Painting from Africa of two friends in conversation in an African village.
Father Mother and Child III
Figurative abstract portrait of a family.
All Heads Together I
All Heads Together is an original oil painting on canvas.
The Village Women
This oil painting in abstract figurative style is of a gathering of African village women in Cameroon.
The Happy Family IV
The Happy Family is painted with acrylics.
Play the Drum
Play The Drum is an oil painting from Central Africa.
The Happy Family XIV
Surreal painting from Africa of a rather unusual looking family.
The Blues
A very blue abstract painting of Musicians playing the The Blues in Africa.
African Landscape III
Acrylic painting of Central African landscape,
Oh Africa
This surreal painting by Angu Walters has a lot going on.
Mother and Child IX
Nursing mother and baby painting from Central Africa.