The Storyteller II

Here is a painting from Angu Walters’ series of original paintings depicting a drummer as telling a story through music. He's also playing a kora, a musical instrument that is traditional in West Africa.

This African painting has found a prominent place in a home in the Netherlands. See below. *We like very much when buyers share back to us photos of their Angu Walters paintings in their homes!!

* SOLD *

100 x 80 centimeters

39 x 31 inches

8000 sq cm / 1209 sq in


Here is an African musician telling a story in music, playing both African drum and a traditional musical instrument, the kora.
The Storyteller 2 at home in the Netherlands

Reproduction of The Storyteller II painting available. Contact us or submit a Comment below.

Or just Buy Now for $1300

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Expect delivery in 2-4 weeks. Due to Civil War there may be some delay.

Your payment in full will be wired to the artist Angu Walters only upon delivery + your satisfaction.

Similar African Paintings by Artist Angu Walters

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The Drummer iPhone case
The Drummer African painting mini print
The Drummer backpack
The Drummer coasters
The Drummer tote bag
The Drummer African painting pillow
The Drummer surreal shirt
The Drummer acrylic tray
The Drummer 1 socks
The Drummer 1 table mats

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The Storyteller II

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Tags: African Drummer, Kora Music, Music, Surreal Art, Tribal Art