
Here is an oil painting in sunny colors of Africans greeting visitors, welcoming them to the village. Seems like this belongs just inside somebody’s front door, eh?

* Available *
Boise, Idaho, USA

84 x 100 centimeters

33 x 39 inches

8400 sq cm / 1287 sq in


Africans greeting visitors, welcoming them to the village. Belongs just inside somebody’s front door.

In creating this piece, Angu Walters explored the vibrancy of an African village through oils, employing a figurative style to express the dynamic energy and communal spirit. The vivid colors and intricate patterns celebrate cultural richness and resilience, inviting the viewer into a tapestry of traditions. This painting aims to energize any space, radiating warmth, diversity, and the pulsating rhythm of life.

Welcome would make a perfect addition to any home or office. It is a reminder of the importance of community.

This painting will ship from the USA. The Certificate of Authenticity will arrive separately by mail directly from the artist in Africa.

Welcome family greets visitors close
Welcome family greets visitors close
Welcome painting framed

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Tags: African Village Life, Family, Surreal Art, Tropical Painting